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Energy efficient light bulbs - which type to buy and how to avoid the harsh white light normally associated with low energy light bulbs etc.
The Eco Home Essentials shop is where you can purchase video/phone consultations an other items that support our website
The renewable heat incentive, broken down and explained without all the jargon. Will it suit you and what can you expect to receive from it.
Pros and cons of LED Household light bulbs. Will they save you money? Find out what the advantages and disadvantages are.
My top 10 green home improvements will save you money and they're easy to do. They'll also help reduce your energy bills.
My top energy efficient house upgrades for older homes, to save you money and make your house warmer and more comfortable.
Of all the green energy grants available which will suit you best? Find out here is the main grants are going to work for you.
What are eco friendly houses? There are many different types of eco homes - I'll give you several examples of the various construction types available and more.
We take eco friendly jargon and terminology and break it down into plain English with links to articles than can explain each in more detail.
My eco friendly technology review section gives honest reviews of green products and technology for your home and occasionally offers discounts for my readers
Oct 16, 24 08:33 AM
Apr 24, 24 11:33 AM
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159 Central Promenade, Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland, BT33 0EU.